Salt Therapy/Equipment Services 

* See spa location page for available services and pricing *

Dry Salt Therapy

Dry Salt Halotherapy

Salt Booth

Dry Salt Therapy (Halotherapy)

How dry salt improves the respiratory system
Scientific research has found that inhaled dry salt particles have bactericide, mucokinetic, hydrophilic and anti-inflammatory properties, which may help to reduce inflammation in the entire respiratory tract and widen the airway passages. Dry salt particles are also known to accelerate the transportation of mucus, the elimination of residual tar and foreign allergens. A clean respiratory system naturally results in higher oxygen intake, increased energy and an improved immune system.

Dry salt is super absorbent and acts like a sponge attracting foreign substances along its path through the respiratory tract. The dry salt can be imagined to behave like a toothbrush that cleans through the respiratory system removing build-up of foreign elements that cause various respiratory ailments and conditions. Clean lungs are healthy lungs. Start Halotherapy today!

Why dry salt therapy for skin care
Quality and aesthetic appearance of the skin has an important aspect of how we are viewed by others and can have a profound psycho-emotional impact on how we feel about ourselves. As we age, our skin is the first organ to show the impact of time and life. Dry salt therapy is an excellent solution to improve the overall quality and appearance of the skin. Regular Halotherapy can be the most important tool that aids the healthy aging process of the skin.

*according to the salt therapy association.

What type of conditions might improve
A majority of people who include Halotherapy in their wellness routine may find relief from a variety of  conditions such as:
Common cold
Cystic fibrosis
Ear infections
Smokers cough

safe and effective treatment for almost anyone!

Salt Therapy  Information Sheet (pdf)
Dry Salt Halotherapy chamber

Foot Soak

Foot Soak Cove

Foot Soak

(Epsom Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt and Essential Oils)
Foot soaks have the power to relax the nervous system, alleviate symptoms, sooth pain and much more. Relaxation may be one great health benefit of foot soaks, but also foot baths can improve mood, energy level, sleeping habits and aches and pains.

Choose your Essential Oil’s
Cedarwood, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender, Lemon, Lemongrass, Orange, Patchouli, Tea Tree, Peppermint


Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy Light Therapy

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Sauna
An infrared sauna is a type of sauna that uses light to create heat without warming the air around you. The radiant heat from the infrared sauna surrounds you and penetrates deeply into your joints, muscles and tissues increasing oxygen flow and circulation. (Includes medical grade chromotherapy lighting. Infrared Sauna with Chromotherapy Lighting

Health benefits:
Can help with- Weight loss, Detoxification, Pain relief, Fibromyalgia, Stress relief, Organic skin care, immune system boost, improve appearance of cellulite, and improves skin overall.

Infrared Information Sheet (pdf)

Vibration Therapy

Whole Body Vibration Therapy

Whole Body Vibration
Whole Body Vibration machines burn calories, strengthen bones, build muscle, improve posture, and more. 10 minutes of vibration is equal to 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise.

Benefits of Vibration Therapy
Weight Loss
Boost Metabolism
Alleviate Stress
Reduce Back Pain
Reduce Joint Pain
Improve Circulation
Increase Muscle Mass
Increase Bone Density

Oscillating Motion.
This motion acts as a see-saw allowing the vibration plate to go up and down pivoting over a center point. This up-and-down motion translates into specific benefits. Oscillating motion helps to increase lymphatic drainage, aid weight loss, and improve fast twitch muscles. 

What happens inside the body?
Slow-motion filming of the thigh, hip, and abdominal areas shows the incredible wave motion of subcutaneous fat, lending credence to the weight-loss/trimming ability of this modality. It contributes greatly to mobilization and activates the core muscles. Also great for increasing the metabolism and burning calories which aid in weight loss!

Tri-planner Motion.
This motion doesn’t move the vibration plate side to side, but rather straight up and down, as well as, forward and back. These variations of movements create a spiral-type motion. This type of vibration has coined the term “tri-planar.” This motion is great for increasing muscle strength, bone density, and more. 

What happens inside the body?
The vibration stimulus travels straight up through the body. The user’s whole-body weight is being mobilized; lymphatic fluids are being circulated well.

Vibration Therapy equipment

Bio Mat Therapy

BioMat Crystal Mat

Provides a deep relaxation experience to alleviate stress and temporary relief from minor spasms, minor sprains, minor strains, minor joint pain associated with arthritis, minor muscle pain, and more. The core of the BioMat technology is a combination of far infrared rays, negative ions, and the conductive properties of amethyst channels. Bio Mat Crystal Mat.

BioMat information sheet (pdf)
BioMat Crystal Mat flyer

Red Light Therapy

Whole Body RLT

Red Light Therapy

Red Light Therapy/NIR (RLT) uses low-level red-light wavelengths to stimulate cells in the mitochondria, which are the “power plant” of cells. Some experts think this helps cells repair themselves and become healthier. The treatments can provide a variety of benefits including, improving wound healing, improving psoriasis, rosacea, and eczema, improving scars, reducing inflammation, improving skin complexion, cellulite reduction, increase immunity and pain relief. Since red-light therapy is non-invasive and does not use ultraviolet light (UV), it is generally considered a very safe and effective treatment.

Red Light Therapy information sheet (pdf)